Why is the corrugated cardboard industry so important in Europe and what benefits does it bring?
Corrugated cardboard packaging matters because it plays an essential role in everyday life: it serves to protect the products we all buy and consume, be it when they are being transported, stored or sold.
In fact 75% of all goods on their journey from producer to customer are transported and protected using corrugated cardboard. It protects and preserves even the most fragile goods, which helps the EU’s environmental goals because damaged goods create pressure on the planet through wasted food, fuel and other resources. Trade, both within Europe and beyond, could barely survive without it.
As an industry, corrugated cardboard is a highly localised and productive business that Europe should be doing everything to support, not undermine. It has a massive European economic and social footprint, often in the most deprived areas.
This is not a sector dominated by one or two mega-corporations. It involves many smaller companies often embedded in local communities and creating large numbers of jobs and economic activity there. There are over 660 plants located across Europe employing 100,000 people directly and creating a further 270,000 jobs indirectly.
It is also arguably the greenest of all packaging materials, with a recycling rate of over 90% for cardboard and an average recycled content of 89% for corrugated cardboard. Our high-tech, high-performance recycling system makes us a frontrunner in the EU’s race to achieve circularity. We also use a high proportion of local raw material The main raw material for corrugated cardboard packaging is recycled paper. The remaining fibres in our packaging come from sustainably managed forests. According to data, 90.6% of forests owned or managed by the European pulp and paper industry are forest management certified.